Distance & U

Dear Miss U,
I know we do not have it as bad as some couples but I left for college for my freshman year this past August and my girlfriend is still in high school and I am gone at weeks at a time and it is hard on both of us. I was wondering what we could do to feel like we are always close…

His life & U

Dear Miss U,

I have been in my relationship for 3 years this coming Saturday and we seem to be having a lot of issues lately…

Changes & U

Dear Miss U,

My boyfriend is moving to the city I now live in and closing the distance in about two weeks. You can imagine how ecstatic I am that I will actually get to be together with him in a CDR for the first time. He and two of his friends are moving into an apartment together he has extended the invitation to move in with him. This is great and all but… I’m a little nervous…

Trust & U

Dear Miss U,
It started out perfect as they all do it was long distance of course so it was tough but we got to know each other extremely well and found out we have many things in common. Soon became my lover and best friend we talked all day every day…

College & U

Dear Miss U,
We’re newly engaged, he’s in the military and I’m stuck half way across the US working for Mc Donalds. We’re struggling to pick a wedding date that will work for everyone, but that could be quite some time out to get EVERYONE on board with it…

Respect & U

Dear Miss U,

My SO is 500 miles away, and we’ve been running into a lot of stress. We were lucky enough to have 2 weeks to spend together and all he did was fight with me…