Marriage & Doubts

Dear Miss U,

I love my boyfriend Elijah so much. We have been together on and off for nine years now. We are in a long distance relationship, and although it’s challenging we still try to make it work. We try to talk on the phone…

More Quick Questions

Dear Miss U,

My boyfriend lives in England, and I live in the US. I love him very much, but I’m having issues with him right now though. He said “I love you” to me several times…

Culture & U

Dear Miss U,

I’m not entirely sure what to do in this situation. To my girlfriend, school has always come first to her because it is all she knows. To her getting good grades so she can one day get a good education is the most important thing to her…

Travel & Money

Dear Miss U,
My boyfriend and I met online and had an instant connection. We’ve been together for over a year now, and yet we have not yet visited one another. He keeps saying that we’re going to do it soon; however it has not happened yet. He’s a single dad, and scheduling and finances have been an issue. I have offered to come see him, and he continually says ok, we’ll make it happen. It hasn’t… [read more]

Distant Comforts

Dear Miss U,

My girlfriend and I have been through thick and thin together and we’ve never had to say anything to make each other feel better ’cause all we needed was to know somebody would always be there. When I went to school 9 hours away…

Compatibility, Expectations & U

Dear Miss U,

My bf and I (both 22 years old) have been officially together for about a year. He is the first person I truly love, and he feels the same way.
However, we “argue” a lot…

The Internet Mine-Field & U

Dear Miss U,

I was introduced to Sean on aim when I was 14, 15 years ago. My friend chatted with him through another friend. I had no contacts and she gave me his screen name. From there we talked everyday online for a few years…

Closing the Distance Planning

Dear Miss U,

My girlfriend and I met in the states and have been together ever since. She has since gone back to England and we are now navigating the visa situation to allow one of us to make the big move. But she is freaking out, constantly questioning…

How to Communicate

Dear Miss U,

My boyfriend and I have not been talking as often and were always fighting. During the disagreements a lot of things go unsaid due to the fact we don’t like arguing so we avoid it. My boyfriend also tends to be…

Together or… Not?

I am Sam and my boyfriend is Brad. He lives 1800 miles away in Washington State. We’ve been best friends and in a relationship for almost a year and six months. Lately, we have been having issues…