An Issue of Stagnation

Dear Miss U,

I've been in this international LDR for six years,(USA/UAE) we've met so it's not a catfish situation. We've had serious conversations about settling down and getting married, having kids and all. But neither of us has made any major moves towards that goal. This year, he's made some major financial moves to facilitate the marriage process for his sister. But when it comes to us I haven't seen the same enthusiasm. Am I naive for waiting this long? There are so many other complicating factors to this situation but how long is too long to wait for something to happen? Our relationship just feels stagnant.

Ms. Tired of Waiting

Dear Ms. Tired of Waiting,

I never assume it’s catfish; LDR is life.

You need to tell him what you told me and start hammering out a concrete plan. I see your situation a lot, so don’t feel alone. Plenty of people sail through years of long distance with the half-assed assumption that when the time is right they will magically be together, but it just doesn’t work like that.

I haven’t moved to either of your countries, but I know for places like Australia (my home country) you start your paperwork a year or more before you expect to actually live there. Do you know yet where you will live together? If yes, start by downloading the visa forms and getting your paperwork in order. Book your medicals. Line up your references. It’s something you can do to feel like you’re getting somewhere.

I don’t know what your complications are, but you will know if they are legitimate or just excuses. You can feel it in yourself if something crops up and you’re secretly relieved to not have to close the distance yet, or whatever. Listen to your instincts.

Only you can decide how long is too long. It’s not naïve to commit to someone in a different country. It’s not naïve to wait patiently for the future you want. But at the same time, you are not a tree. You can move. You can make choices and changes. You can chase after the future you want. You don’t have to wait for him to come to you. You don’t have to wait for a marriage proposal. You are not powerless. You said neither of you had made any major moves – you can be the person to do so. You can generate that enthusiasm.

To me, going after what you want is very important. I know that traditionally women make ourselves pretty and hope we’re plucked like flowers, but that’s bullshit. I put money on Mr. E and I never would have met or married him if it wasn’t for how badly I wanted it. I wanted him. I went to his country first. I saved up the money. I made our five-year plan (I made two actually and told him to pick one haha) and kept us on track for it. As much as he loves me and always has, I am the person who needs our relationship more. I care about it more, so I’m the one who puts in the bigger effort, or tells him where he needs to put his efforts. And that’s okay. In the end, we’re happy and we both get what we want. So, if you want to progress this relationship, start doing it. If nothing else, you’ll learn where both of you stand and if he doesn’t want to follow through on a future with you, at least you won’t waste any more time.

Lastly, don’t waste any energy comparing your relationship to your sister-in-law’s relationship, relationship progress, or his enthusiasm for the whole thing. Don’t give jealousy the chance to take hold. You’re better than all that, and it wouldn’t get you anywhere. Talking to him is what will make the difference. Make a goal, break it down into tiny steps, and start checking those steps off.

Love is worth waiting for. I hope your patience pays off soon.

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About the Author

Miss U

Miriam Cumming is a writer, witch, and LDR survivor with more than a decade of trans-Pacific experience. She’s currently living in paradise with her one true love and their three little gentlewomen where she indulges in coffee, tattoos, and World of Warcraft. You can learn more about her writing and LDR success from her blog The Wicce Writes.

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