Making it Official

Dear Miss U,
…I miss him a lot! We’ve been texting every day since. He even said that he was thinking about the future and in a while, he would love to have a child with me. But he hasn’t asked me to be his girlfriend yet. It’s the first time I’m dating someone, so it’s all very new… [read more]

A Sense Of Justice

Dear Miss U,
My boyfriend and I dated for 6 months and then he had to leave to another country for work and we decided to do LDR. I love him with all of me. We had a lot of issues about happiness. I met a guy and we hung out a couple of times and the third time, we kissed and had oral sex. It was the worst experience of my life because the only other time I have done that was with my boyfriend and it was intimate and lasted forever. But with this guy it was just a quick way for him to get off… [read more]

Mourning The New Guy

Dear Miss U,
…Recently, she has been pushing me away. She wouldn’t want to do anything or doesn’t even talk as much as she normally does. I wasn’t feeling her energy and good vibe any longer. I asked her about it and she said she just felt bored (there were a few times boredom crept up on both sides but I knew that was because we’ve been together for so long but we do try to do new/more stuff and it gets us right back on track). I suggested that we try some new stuff but she isn’t even interested to want to do anything. It’s like all the energy and attention and excitement just disappeared. I asked her if there’s someone new she’s talking to. She said there’s this coworker she started talking to both at work and online. He was new there and has been there for about 2 weeks… [read more]

Lady and a Baby

Dear Miss U,
I wrote you a while back it was about meeting my boyfriend in person and my dad didn’t accept him because he is undocumented; also I was pregnant. To keep you updated, I had my beautiful baby girl thank god. Now, my relationship with her father is in a bad position. We recently separated because we can not compromise on major things… Our relationship has become a situation-ship, we do not live together at the moment. Every now and then, he will come to see his daughter. He will want to get intimate with me at the same time. He doesn’t want to work on fixing our relationship… [read more]

Needy Girlfriends

Dear Miss U,
I’m starting to get a little restless though because he is not the best texter and while it used to not bother me it is starting to now. I think it only bothers me because he loves to Snapchat but I actually hate Snapchatting. I would much rather text. I cannot ask him to stop Snapchatting either because he has a condition where he is unable to imagine things such as my face so Snapcatting helps him be able to see me physically all the time. I guess what I’m looking for is some tips on how to communicate with him without seeming needy… [read more]

LD without the R, take two.

Dear Miss U,
I wrote a few weeks ago about how I’m struggling to get over a long distance breakup. Some time has passed now, and it hasn’t gotten any easier. We agreed to go no contact until I get back (which is in 1 month, meaning 2 months will pass between the breakup and us speaking again). We haven’t texted during that time, but he’s been liking/viewing posts and responding to my messages in a shared group chat like we’re still friends… [read more]

Of Friends and Zones.

Dear Miss U,
Here is the problem. The room he found has two female roommates, he is the only guy. I trust him not to cheat, but my issue is that I am jealous of these women who get to spend so much time with him, when I am so far away missing him. He goes out with them alone and it makes me uncomfortable. I have told him this, and he admits that he wouldn’t like it if the roles were reversed, but still continues it. He is making friends there, but a troubling amount of them are girls. It feels like he is living a single life without me. It would be different if these girls were previous friends, but they are just strangers. I don’t want to be a controlling girlfriend, but it’s really upsetting me… [read more]

The Secret to Holding Your Relationship Together

Dear Miss U,
My boyfriend (actually, fiancé, though we don’t plan on marrying for a while) have been together for 3 years and have been long distance for about a year now. At first it was okay, but lately, we bicker a lot. We’re currently on opposite time schedules. We don’t talk much anymore and bicker a lot. Lately, I struggle a lot with feeling like he’s hiding things from me, like when he goes out he won’t tell me. If he’s with friends he’ll intentionally not mention certain people. He says he doesn’t do it on purpose and means nothing by it, but it just feels like it’s all for a reason… [read more]

Dump Her

Dear Miss U,
I have been having trouble with my LD girlfriend and I have been having the notion of calling it quits but we both said that we are to put in the effort so I shouldn’t leave yet. I don’t know but I think I have fallen out of love, what should I do? She claims she still loves me and wants to fix things but I feel that she is not putting me as a priority in her life. It’s always friends, family, and oh the bloody dog. She got a dog 3 months out and things went hay from there. I told her we are doing long distance it’s expensive enough, why would you have the dog? [read more]

How can you miss me if I don’t go away?

Dear Miss U,
… The problem is that I would like less communication. Sometimes our conversations turn out really dry and boring, and sometimes I feel like I can’t live my own life. I talked to him about it and he totally freaked out. Not mad, sad.

He said he felt like I hated talking to him recently and that he missed our long night conversations. I got scared and said sorry. He is not the type to get mad when I don’t answer for a few hours but I would love to just have him call me a few times a day or just at night, talk about our day, and have a good talk instead of a dry one… [read more]